Sunday, January 8, 2012

Video Gamez

This is THE jam for 2012. Really. Just don't ask me what it's about because I have no clue.

To Download:
(Mac) - right click or Control click>"Download Linked File".
(PC) - right click>"Save As"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Coolmobile

I frequently see this parked behind the Sherman Oaks Gelsons. I need to meet the person who drives this.

Skinner Is Fucking Rad

If there's an artist who has better cornered the market on the heavy metal-meets-D&D-meets-drugs vibe better than Skinner, please let me know.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deadly Prey: The Greatest Fucking Movie Ever Made

Just saw this choice morsel of cinematic nirvana last night at Cinefamily and all I can say is, "DEADLY PREY, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!" I mean, wow. This isn't just an unintentionally funny movie, it's an experience. To give you an idea of just how effective a piece of entertainment this thing is, people were actually cheering throughout the film as if we were at a Hell's Angels rally. And afterward, as star/producer Ted Prior took the stage to answer questions/explain himself, the entire room erupted in a standing ovation. I'll bet nobody can say that about the time they saw The Social Network.

Deadly Prey is, in a nutshell, a hilariously shitty low budget amalgam of Rambo and Most Dangerous Game rife with horrendous dialogue, even more horrendous acting and enough shamelessly over-the-top violence and machismo to choke the life out of any women, children and small animals standing within 100 yards of whatever screen it's playing on. I dare you to watch the below trailer without feeling the urge to stab someone in the face and shit on their corpse. If you don't, you're not a man and I don't trust you.

Sadly, Deadly Prey is out of print, but you can track it down on bootleg (Sshhh) DVD on the internets - I just bought a copy here - or, if you know me, buy some beer and just come over to watch it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Granny Goes To God

I dare you to watch this and find anything redeeming about it whatsoever.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tame Impala: Innerspeaker

This is Innerspeaker by Tame Impala. I dig this album cuz it has a spacey, ethereal sound but the songs still drive forward without meandering off into some pretentious cacophony of random noise and production parlor tricks (I'm looking at you, Animal Collective). In other words, I can listen to it while getting baked OR while working out at the gym. And, yes, let's just get this out of the way: the singer sounds uncannily like John Lennon. Check out the album leadoff track, It Is Not Meant To Be below.

To Download:
(Mac) - right click or Control click>"Save Linked File As".
(PC) - right click>"Save As"

Monday, December 27, 2010

Aloe Blacc: "Good Things"

This is Aloe Blacc's Good Things. If old-style soul music with a pinch of modern hip hop flavor sounds like a tasty recipe to you then go out and buy this. If that doesn't sound like your speed then allow me to suggest this or maybe even this. Anyhoo, his I Need A Dollar has been getting some play on stations like LA's KCRW and I heard it's also used as the main title cue for some show on HBO, so I won't beat you over the head with that song. Instead check out this tasty nug.

To Download:
(Mac) - right click or Control click>"Save Linked File As".
(PC) - right click>"Save As"

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Power Of Point Dread!

The eighties were a beautiful car wreck awash in irresponsible marketing that preyed on the tender, impressionable minds of America's children. They sold us laser-tag guns that got us shot by cops, hooked us on video games that made us into fat, lethargic zombies and infiltrated our minds with the dark sorcery and homo-erotic undertones of He-Man and the Masters Of The Universe. Go ahead and download the audio file and accompanying read-along book below. Then - while enjoying story points including a villain who resembles death on steroids, an old man getting crushed by falling rocks, a character plummeting to an implied demise and enough occult imagery to knock out a priest - keep in mind that I was given this in 1983 at the age of 5. If you showed this to a contemporary five-year-old child whose diet consists of steady helpings of Hannah Montana and Pokemon, he'd probably start wetting the bed and cutting himself.

Psh. Kids today are fags.

To Download:
(Mac) - right click or Control click>"Save Linked File As".
(PC) - right click>"Save As"

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

House On Criterion Blu-ray

This is House, not to be confused with the limping guy on TV who insults everyone and makes them feel like assholes. You need to do some drugs and watch this, like, fucking yesterday. And I'm not trying to be cute when I say that. Seriously. Go do some drugs and watch this.

Mini Bonzo

This guy should start a Zeppelin cover band and call it Trampled Under Four Foot Tall.