Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deadly Prey: The Greatest Fucking Movie Ever Made

Just saw this choice morsel of cinematic nirvana last night at Cinefamily and all I can say is, "DEADLY PREY, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!" I mean, wow. This isn't just an unintentionally funny movie, it's an experience. To give you an idea of just how effective a piece of entertainment this thing is, people were actually cheering throughout the film as if we were at a Hell's Angels rally. And afterward, as star/producer Ted Prior took the stage to answer questions/explain himself, the entire room erupted in a standing ovation. I'll bet nobody can say that about the time they saw The Social Network.

Deadly Prey is, in a nutshell, a hilariously shitty low budget amalgam of Rambo and Most Dangerous Game rife with horrendous dialogue, even more horrendous acting and enough shamelessly over-the-top violence and machismo to choke the life out of any women, children and small animals standing within 100 yards of whatever screen it's playing on. I dare you to watch the below trailer without feeling the urge to stab someone in the face and shit on their corpse. If you don't, you're not a man and I don't trust you.

Sadly, Deadly Prey is out of print, but you can track it down on bootleg (Sshhh) DVD on the internets - I just bought a copy here - or, if you know me, buy some beer and just come over to watch it.